13 Days of Holiday Cheer
As we approach winter break, we are celebrating the holiday season with schoolwide dress up days starting WEDNESDAY!
13 días de alegría navideña ¡Empieza el MIÉRCOLES! A medida que nos acercamos a las vacaciones de invierno, ¡estamos celebrando la temporada navideña con días de disfraces en toda la escuela a partir del MIÉRCOLES!
13 days

 Holiday dress up for tomorrow
Vístete festivo para mañana
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Notice of PRIVACY to all students, parents, and staff associated with the Hamilton County School system:

To promote and protect the health and safety of our students, educators, and the general public during this pandemic, Hamilton County Schools (HCS) and the Hamilton County Health Department (HCHD) will be sharing data and information specifically related to positive COVID-19 cases.

These communications are permitted by federal laws for the purpose of preventing or controlling the spread of disease and safeguarding the health and safety of the community.

The HCHD and HCS will make every effort to maintain the privacy and confidentiality of all parties involved. Only information deemed necessary to minimize and prevent COVID disease spread will be shared.  As such, there will be a limited number of designated and trained HCS contacts who will communicate directly with the HCHD. All COVID-19 data/information from the school system will be shared through these persons.

For any questions or concerns about this policy or process, please contact:

Hamilton County Schools- [email protected]

Hamilton County Health Department- (423) 209-8200 or [email protected] 

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